[1] To bag or not to bag at checkout?
In Toronto, where I live, the city has a bylaw that retailers must charge you 5 cents to give you a bag. But many retailers are using really cheap bags now, likely for environmental reasons. The result is you pay for a bag that is kind of horrible. Or can buy a re-usable bag for a buck or two.
I was in a clothing chain called Laura yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised to be given a really nice re-usable bag for my 5 cent charge. Nice little loyalty initiative, and of course great free advertising. Positive experience.
[2] World of apps and app data
The current project I'm working on has me seeking out information about the world of apps and casual games. I found some interesting sites that one could waste all sorts of time browsing around checking out data.
AppData shows which developers are leading (look at those stats for Zynga!) and which apps, and lets you click around for more details.
I also found some interesting game demographics on DataGenetics, another site you can easily get lost in.
[3] Upcoming webcast on mobile qualitative research
If you've been wondering about mobile research, this May 3 2012 webcast may be of interest to you. Colleagues of mine through QRCA (I sit on their board) are doing a QCast webinar next week talking about mobile qualitative research.
QRCA webinars are free, and are pitch-free zones designed to educate.
Here's the description:
Presenters: Kristin Schwitzer, Beacon Research, and Dana Slaughter, Slaughter Branding
Broad consumer usage of smartphones and web-enabled phones allows respondents to participate in qualitative research like never before. Learn how mobile can generate additional insights to your current qualitative studies, regardless if those are in-person, online or both. Kristin and Dana will share examples of creative uses of mobile technology to go where researchers have not been invited before, as well as share some tips from their experience regularly using one of the hottest new tools in our industry.