Jane Juska is the author of a few books, but she made her mark as the woman who wanted to have a lot of good sex before she turned 67, after 30 years of celibacy, which she documented in her book, A Round Heeled Woman. A fabulous speaker at this year's Idea City, she reminded me a lot of June Callwood.
Jane teaches students to write by writing with them. When they are writing, she also writes. What an amazing concept. Imagine teaching people how to serve customers by serving customers along side them, instead of giving them concepts in a classroom?
Something for next year
I plan to attend Idea City again in 2008. And I have a guerrilla plan. I'm going to tag things I think would make great topics, and then send a list to the event planners. You can help. When you see something worthy of the best conference you could ever imagine attending, tag it in Delicious "IdeaCity." And then you really should attend. TED may be sold out for 2008, but our homegrown version isn't.