You can now build a page for your pet in an online pet community. Or rather, a people community about their pets....
Dogster is for dog lovers...Catster is for cat lovers. Hamsterster is for -- well, you get it. PetPop promises that you can "meet new pets in your area".
NeoPets, one of the smaller sites, claims 70,000 members. with 70 million members, is actually a virtual pet site, providing a full suite of community-type functions for the neo-pet-owners, including virtual travel opportunities.
SNiFLabs takes all this to the next level with their new dog collar that wirelessly monitors Rover's activities. In addition to keeping tabs on your canine, the service can facilitate people networking via Rover's friends and acquaintances in the park.
Unlike impersonal web services, SNiFlabs lets someone you know and trust make personal connections for you: your dog. Every time you take your dog out for a walk you meet other dogs and other dog owners in your neighborhood. The SNiF® tag takes advantage of this and automatically keeps track of the dogs you have met while out and about. Want to meet new people? You already have something in common with other dog owners. Need to find a good plumber? Want to try a new neighborhood restaurant? Chances are that some one in your dog's social network can make recommendations for you.
We seem to be hungry for community and connections, but we're finding new ways to meet those needs.