Schulich Executive Education has been sponsoring a series of executive roundtable discussions on innovation. This concept was cooked up by Alan Middleton, Rick Wolfe and Alan Kay, who invited me to write up reports on the events.
The latest couple of reports are now available to download here or here:
- Commercializing Innovation -- how do you take an idea or a new technology, get it funded, and use it successfully in a business? This session included a number of entrepreneurs from Russia, who have barriers to success that we could hardly imagine. A lively session.
- Change and Sustainability -- if you are innovating outside the product domain, you are embarking on organizational change. Much of the discussion was about how to make innovations stick under these circumstances.
Participate in the Innovation Research Project
I'm looking at doing an online roundtable discussion, so that we can get stories and participation from a wider group. If you would be interested in taking part in something like that, please e-mail me with your contact details and tell me a little about yourself. (Name, position/title, company, phone number, mailing address and e-mail address would be great). Just so no one is confused -- there's no $ for participating, just the glory.
The time commitment would be about 90 minutes over the course of a week.
You would have the opportunity to interact with others, share your own stories about leading or managing innovation in an organization, ask questions, and generally engage in a very interesting asynchronous conversation. And you will get a copy of the report. Most people find these events really worthwhile, and I expect the online discussion will prove just as worthwhile.