If you could use a break from the heat, stay in for lunch on Thursday and join me for a free webcast: When Online Qualitative Shines: Solving Business Problems.
I will be the guest speaker for a web-cast on the topic of innovative ways to use online qualitative research technologies to solve business problems.
I'll be joined by Betsy Leichliter of New York, who partnered with me in developing the background research for this presentation. Betsy and I interviewed more than thirty researchers worldwide to gather case studies.
We won't be talking about researcher methods -- this presentation is for clients who would like to know more about what other organizations are doing with the new tools.
As always, it's not about the technology, it's about how to use it to get results!
This interactive presentation format will give you access to a chat window, as well as the option to phone in with questions. It should be lively and informative.
It's free. You have to register for access, here.
These Q-Casts are non-commercial educational events sponsored by the Qualitative Research Consultant's Association. Once you register, you will have access to the full archive of great presentations.