Core77 is launching Design2.0: Discussions on Design, Strategy & Innovation -- a series of panel discussions with executives about design, innovation, and customer experience. The first one, slated for February 28 at the Union Square Ballroom in New York City looks like a winner, with Bruce Nussbaum as moderator and some all-star panelists:
Kevin Farnham, CEO of Method, a brand and user-centred design consultancy
Marissa Mayer, Vice President of search products and user experience at Google
Jeneanne Rae, described as an innovation guru by BusinessWeek
Andrew Zolli, futures researcher and trend spotter at Z+
Aside from the brain candy on offer, Allan Chochinov, Editor of Core77 is promising snacks and a cocktail reception. According to Allan,
"One of the biggest challenges of brand and service design is to take complex systems and represent them to users as simple and clear experiences. From Google to Apple, from Kodak to FedEx, this panel discussion will center on the strategies for developing clear artifacts and experiences from sophisticated palettes."
Amen to that.
Details available at