For a good interview with Marcus Buckingham on his latest book about leadership, click on Management Consulting News. Here's an extract to whet your appetite.
We need a leader to tell us: Who, precisely, do we serve? What is our core strength? Of the many things we can measure in our business, which one measure of success should we focus on? And, what specific actions can we take right now to improve our business?
He also suggests that leaders evaluate their own impact in terms of their followers. Now there's a frame of reference that means something!
Leadership is not some abstract introspective thing -- it's about making things happen in the organization. When things aren't happening, few leaders look to themselves first, which is where they need to start. Are they walking their talk? Are they doing something every day to make their ideas concrete for people? Have they distilled their goals into words a ten-year-old could understand? Or are they going around asking "why people don't get it?".
I think I'm going to have to read the book.
Thanks to Mike McLaughlin at Guerilla Marketing for drawing this to my attention.