Some of my friends think I'm an early adopter of technology. Not really. Not by the standards of Geoffrey Moore, anyway, author of Crossing the Chasm. (Wikipedia brief summary)
I do have this blog, but so do 8 million or so other people.
I was thinking about this as I wondered again how to get organized around RSS.
I've been hearing about RSS for a while. I've done quite a few searches on the web about it. I've read everything in the TypePad help files about this, and I still haven't a clue how to do it. I can't seem to cross that chasm. All those people seem to KNOW something that I just can't figure out.
At first, I thought maybe TypePad would do this for me, because it is such an amazing web application. Not so easy. I may have to ask. If I ever figure it out, I'll publish an RSS feed and tell you how I did it. Yes, I will have to figure out how to get myself set up on an RSS reader ... but one step at a time.
Postscript for Monday Jan 31
Okay, I think I did it. Or rather Typepad did it for me. Some good learning about using instructions here, which I will add this afternoon.
Post-Postscript Feb 16
My problem was instructive about giving instrucdtions to customers about how to use your product, or why. You can talk over their heads, you can talk below, you can get it just right. The challenge is to find that just right spot, and somehow create communications that deliver it for everyone. I thought I needed to know something about RSS, I thought I needed to use some other service to create the feed. I thought I might need a server for the feed.
Totally wrong. All I needed to do was tick a box. I was actually concerned about ticking the box just in case I was going to create a problem of some kind. D'oh.
Anyway, now I know.
But I still can't figure out how to use the "Syndicate this site XML" link, even though I put it on the site.